The fnordkollektiv logo consisting of a stylized 'f' and 'k' on a black background.

Is WorkAdventure GDPR compliant?

Short answer: Yes, but it depends on the right settings.

WorkAdventure is basically open source and does not require any third party connections. Of course, privacy-friendly operation also depends on which services you integrate.

Here are our tips for privacy-compliant use of WorkAdventure::

1. Server location in Europe

We host our WorkAdventure instances in Germany at Hetzner and not at AWS or Google.

2. Embedding of self-hosted video conferencing tools

We only integrate self-hosted video conferencing tools like Jitsi or Big Blue Button (BBB).

3. No reloading of maps and videos

The world map is hosted on our WorkAdventure server and is not downloaded from third party providers or repositories such as Github/Gitlab. We also integrate videos directly and work with a streaming partner in Germany and Switzerland for live streams.

4. Own TURN-Server

We use our own TURN server for the P2P connection when the WOKAS meet for a circle discussion in the WorkAdventure.

5. Integration of a privacy police

Both before the WorkAdventure and in the code itself there is now the possibility to integrate a privacy policy / legal text.

We hope we have helped you with these tips. If you need support with WorkAdventure, just contact us and tell us about the problem and we'll create a new privacy policy. Tags: #workadventure #datenschutz #gdpr #opensource